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Wedding Potpourri


Proven Record

Sometimes,  prenuptial agreements are much needed documented arrangements prior to marriage.  If you're considering taking your relationship to the next level, the following are a few thing to consider:

What prenuptial agreements cover and what they don't

Prenuptial agreements are a huge consideration, for all couples, regardless of who they are prior to marriage.  However, you should be fully aware what this kind of a pre-marriage contract can or more importantly can't do for you and your significant other.  

Your prenuptial agreement pertains to property, and nothing but the property itself.  If describes in detail, what's going to happen to your individual assets, and those of your partner, once your are officially married.  What's even more important is that it decides what will happen to your property in the worst case scenario, which includes a divorce.

Prenuptial agreements DO NOT deal with potential child custody or support issues for either born and/or adopted children or alimony support.

Your Prenuptial Agreement Attorney

Regardless of who you are and what assets you may have, you need an experienced attorney to handle these agreements correctly.  Many are not sure if there is a real need for prenuptial agreements.  Consider your personal situation.  Often property separation becomes a living nightmare for ex-couples, even a worse one than the emotional turmoil they inevitably must face.

Prenuptial agreements can not save your relationship or marriage, but it can ensure that your partnership ends fairly.  As they say, "It's all in the details."  This just couldn't be more true in the case of prenuptial agreements.  When you're head over heels in love, who takes care or even bothers to think about the boring details?

While you may enter into your marriage with the intention of it lasting forever, regardless of who you are, sometimes we are blind to potential problems that could arise.  It's perfectly normal and understandable not to worry too much about what can go wrong in the future.  Nevertheless, you should hire a professional to take care about your finances and assets, while you're on the cloud nine with your partner.  Treat it as insurance.  If you're together for the rest of your days, then you won't even remember that you signed a prenuptial agreement, in the first place.  If this marriage doesn't end up being your happily ever after, you're protected.

Marriage/Pre-Nuptials: Practices


DISCLAIMER: Everything displayed on this site shall be regarded as general information and in no way should it be interpreted as legal advice. You should contact an attorney directly regarding your own situation. Note that an attorney-client relationship will only be established after it's determined that there is no conflict of interest.

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